Wednesday, April 17, 2013


My son had his Jr. Prom this weekend.  He had a great time hanging out with all of his buddies.  I was fortunate to be able to go and take lots of pictures of him and his friends.  They were so so goofy.  This is one of my favorite shots.  Here the guys are all re-enacting a "move" for Naruto.  Below is a more serious shot of Mr. Man all dressed up.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Fling Rock Climbing

Tonight was Itty Bitty's "Spring Fling" at school.  They had all kinds of cool things to do there, but Itty Bitty was all about doing the rock climbing wall.  She tried this once before at the Bass Pro Shop and did not do so well.  Tonight though was a different story.  She made it all the way to the top of the wall and then repealed down!  She was so proud of herself and we were proud of her.  On a separate note I have been reading on working on focus and lighting.  I think that today my pictures were sharper and the lighting was luckily better.  Overall I am happy with the photos that I got.  Hopefully I will continue to improve.

Monday, April 8, 2013

"The End of March the Beginning of April"

These last few weeks have been very busy.  We just had spring break and are now on the down-hill slide to summer vacation!  Only a month or so left now!  I have been continuing my photo challenges this month but they are both hosted on flickr so sometimes I forget to post here but I will be better due to the fact that the "Edit Me Challenges" are beginning again : )  
For the theme Pride and Joy I couldn't decide between the color or the B&W version of this pic of the kiddos.  KK liked the B&W because she said her shirt was too distracting.
The next two pictures were taken on the same day.  We were at the park playing and this stream was too pretty to pass up.  So instead I used it for the theme narrow and then put Itty Bitty in front of it for warmth.  Her smile and the warm glow from the sunlight were perfect for the theme.

Theme: Pride and Joy
B and W Version

Theme: Narrow
Theme: Warmth